Is your company as secure as you think it is? How would you know? You won’t if you don’t do this. My wife locks the front door every night before we go to bed. All our windows stay locked. Yet, some mornings, I wake up to find the garage door was left wide open by the kids!
Many of my security consultations started with business owners and IT managers were not interested in cybersecurity assessments. We have it covered. We’re fine. We already have someone.
But when we do a security assessment, we find their garage doors open 100% of the time!
- Backups aren’t configured correctly and are not properly tested
- Proper cloud backups are not in place
- Re-used Passwords over the place
- Unencrypted Laptops and many more.
As you probably can tell, I’ve seen it all before. The business risks are real. Ransomware attacks will be difficult or impossible to recover from. An attacker inside Microsoft 365 can steal and delete data (fun fact: Microsoft does NOT back up 365 for you), the re-used passwords will result in hacked employees’ online accounts, and data will be stolen that you didn’t know was there.
Can you imagine explaining to your clients (or your insurance agent) that you have a hacked network because you re-used passwords and didn’t back up your data?
I am genuinely glad you have a guy – you have a good start. Your guy is not going to leave any garage doors open on purpose. But there will be garage doors left open. And the people who left them open are not likely to notice that they are still open.
Hiring a third-party audit is the only way to know what is open. It doesn’t have to be us, but it shouldn’t be the same people you already have. At JM Addington Technology Solutions, a third-party audit us every month. So avoid being the target of a possible attack because you didn’t ask the right questions. Get a regular third-party cybersecurity risk assessment.